My birthday ended with a BIG smile on my face;)
This year has been a different one. Apart from having a pre-celebration earlier with some close frens, i received surprises from new people that i just got to know too.It was so amazing that they just happened to make me feel like 'wow,i feel so GREAT'!
i finally got to experience high-fly-sky lunch at KL tower.
My very first time being up there..KL view is so beautiful,
and i feel so tiny!!
Thank you for the arrangement!!
First cake received!!
Thank you for the surprise, Evonne
You have almost made me jumped ;p
and my very beautiful flower cake,
Thank you for the precious heart;)
and THIS!!
Thank you for making me a soulful Oreo cake,AMY!
I taste your HEART in it=),
thanks for being such a great friend!
Thanks to my lovely friends for the last-min celebration=)
Though we hardly meet,
i am never forgotten on my birthday.
and i cant believe we already developed 6yrs of friendship!
Thank you, buddies!
You MEN rocks!
and this one an exception case,
haha i made them to get me this!
thanks to my senior sisters!
i made a wish each time i blew a candle,
and i had FIVE!
its only once a year,
and technically this date will never repeat in our life twice,
so i gotta be GREEDY!
To all beautiful souls around me,
I LOVE YOU ALL. ...not forgetting those who got me from overseas,
YOU GOT ME HIGH!Thanks for being a sweetheart=)
I am very BLESSED to have all of you!