原先,我不知道有这部戏的存在,直到我与他到电影院看到这部电影的海报,一向由他作主选择看什么电影,但这次,我坚持要看这部! 看着海报,我抱着艺术心态去观赏,心想这应该不会是部太商业性的情节吧。 而他就作开口扮打瞌睡状态,我管不了这么多,呵呵!
看了前十分钟,有点懊恼及混淆,因为故事好像穿插得乱七八糟,再看下去后,终于弄清楚原来电影情节里穿插着18个短篇故事。其中, 有一些故事真的很扣人心弦。
“18个故事里,最让我留下深刻印象的,是那个满脑子在想要怎么摆脱那一成不变的妻子,那个只钟爱穿红色外套,每天只做同一道菜,哼同一首歌的女人;另一 边厢,他已情陷于另一位俏丽女郎。正当他鼓起勇气相约妻子到咖啡店提出‘离婚’两字的当儿,妻子突然嚎啕大哭,他被吓倒,以为妻子已洞悉他的动机。谁知, 妻子一手把医药报告递呈给他,证实她患上绝症,只剩下短暂的性命。而他原先的念头仿佛在众人严厉的眼光下,重重的被打消了。
就这样,突然间他感到悲伤,他感到内疚,他感到无奈,他感到罪恶。结果,剩下来的日子,他每一天都陪伴妻子,与她穿一样的红色外套逛街,与她做 同一道菜,听她哼同一首歌,还有与俏丽女人分手。这一刻,他一直以为他是因为要乔装在热恋的成熟男人陪伴妻子过剩下的日子,但原来这一刻,他发现,他并不 是乔装,但是真的有热恋的感觉。
As a Paris lover, i have no reason not to watch this movie.
At first, i did not know about this movie, until we went to the cinema lately and saw the beautiful poster, and i insisted we should watch this. When queing up for tics,he yawned and yawned because art film was never his cup of tea. Mind him, it's my turn to make a pick:p I was confused after watching the first 10minutes. I found the stories was messy and as i watched further,only i realised this film combined 18 of short stories.
Among 18 stories, there is one i remember the most. I still clearly have the scenes running in my head. The story goes like this, there is this man who always want to get rid of his wife whom only loves wearing her chili red jacket, making the same dish each day, and humming the same old song. He has fallen in love with another woman.
He has been thinking long to do this, so one day he has finally met his wife at a cafe. As he is about to divorce with his wife, suddenly she cries out loud infront of him. He is shocked, he thought she has probably known everything. At this moment, she hands him over a medical report, and it says she is diagnosed with last stage of cancer and lasts only a few month of life.
The 5minute story gives me watery eyes, and i hate it. I hate crying over a movie, no matter how hard i try to look away, i could feel the tears shedding off the cheek.
However, it gives me some kind of inspirtation of life.
No matter how hard we try to picture our wonderful life,
life is a repetitive act of each day's effort.
For instance,
having the same job,
having the same habit,
and having the same person to share life with.
Noone seems to get rid of the repetition acts of life;
It's always easily to search for new excitement,
but to create excitement out of routined life, it requires the effort.
Perhaps this is the weakness we see in human,
we probably will not learn to cherish what we have until we once lose it.
At this point, i am afraid to lose..
It's a good movie to spare you free time. Through the stories,you will get to see what love do to human, and more importantly, it all happens in the city of Love, Paris.

年前,曾到巴黎游玩的时候,亲眼看到巴黎铁塔的那一杀那,才知道为什麽人们都爱称巴黎为浪漫之城。那个时候的我,对巴黎一点历史故事都不懂,连搭火车都是在乱闯乱撞的情况下随缘分跟着火车轨道向各站出发。可能在这样的情况下,糊涂的与铁塔沾上一点缘分,看到它的那一刻,防不胜防的,对它一见钟情。或许描述的有点抽象,但感觉本来就是抽象的;如果说的具体一点,雄伟的埃菲尔铁塔本身会散发一种自然催情剂,无定力者,要小心会被它那闪烁的灯光电到,而我就是那毫无定力者,被电到正,所以至今还对它念念不忘。当时,我还天真的想Ms Butterfly说,若有人当场与我求婚,我一定答应。
Years ago, I travelled to Paris. I finally know why people love to call Paris a city of Romance. I was clueless on the background and history of the city, and worse still, i did not even know where the train heading to when i once having a trip with Ms Butterfly. Out of surprise, i was once walking on the street and found Effiel tower was just behind the building without knowing i was actually so close to this amazing tower. The moment i found 'Him', i could feel the chemistry runnning in me, i felt as if a lil girl has found her favorite lollipop, it was sweet. At that time, i was naively whispering to Ms Butterfly" I would marry a man if he proposed to me here, this time"
I always say, i will visit this city again, to have the sparkling moment with my lover. I did not go up the tower when i had a chance,because i want to spend this special moment with him:)
@__@ ..
can feel the words / thoughts in ur mind.. i still keep the postcard u sent during Europe tour.. still remember that moment i received ur card / wishes n everything.. so touch~ till today~
envy on u.. that u went there for vacation - not coming back for class for first 2 weeks.. i will work harder.. will go there in my life 1 day~ muaksss..
Make sure you bring me along and i will make you feel the same when we are there:) perhaps you shall go there with your lover:P
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